There was during the 1860s a Methodist Chapel in Bangalore but the cemetery pre-dates this. For more information on the Chapel click on that tab. The cemetery is possibly wholly Protestant, and predominantly Methodist. [NB: St Laurence O'Toole's Catholic Church at Spring Valley, is only 15 km further along the road.]
The earliest burial known is that of Nathaniel Fisher who died on 22 June 1860, however the grave is no longer marked. He was the infant son of Isaac & Elizabeth Fisher. The earliest extant grave is that of William Norman Arthur Spear who died on 24 Oct 1860 - again the infant son of John & Esther Speer (yes, two different spellings on adjacent gravestones!).
The earliest date of birth of any interment in the cemetery is that of Alexander Hamilton Snr who was born in 1781 and died on 22 July 1870. The headstone is no longer there, but that of Anna Sophia Hagen is and she was born in 1791, and died on 8 July 1885.
Both the Neely and Pappin families feature prominently in the cemetery. The Neely family lived about 7 km south at 1294 Currawang Road (on what is sometimes known as Pappins Corner, as that family lived on the opposite corner). The remnants of the foundations of Neely's house are still present on this property which continues to be known as Neely's. The Pappin house was still in existence in the 1970s but the current owners of the land demolished it and used the stone for fencing, which can sill be seen, at 1293 Currawang Road.
Where does the name Bangalore come from? It could possibly be from the the Indian town of the same name which appears to have been a Methodist stronghold in its time. Bangalore was also the name of a passenger ship, which on 13 Jan 1855 first arrived in Sydney. The district seems to use the names of Bangalore and Komungla interchangably. NSW Rail records show that the local station was known as Bangalore until 1916 when it was re-named Komungla. Why, and what does Komungla mean?
There were intentions to create a village at Bangalore. The site of the chapel & cemetery would have been at the corner of the 'main street'. The rest of the street was sub-divided into small lots all facing the road possibly in order to accommodate shops and other commercial activities. One was owned by Nathan Mandelson, who was subsequently owner of Mandelson's Hotel in Goulburn and who perhaps had plans for a hotel in Bangalore. For whatever reason Bangalore did not 'take off'. The Currawang Road was diverted to its present course in the 1960s thus cutting off this part of the road and leaving the lane where the cemetery is located as a dead-end, now called Komungla Siding Road.
The Bangalore/Komungla Railway Station was opened on 3 Jan 1884 and closed on 6 July 1971. The Bombala line ceased operation altogether in 1986. The railway station was less than one km from the cemetery and saw trains from Goulburn to Cooma six times per week.
The Goulburn Mulwaree Council lists the cemetery as Komungla (Bangalore) General Cemetery but does not maintain it.